Monday 20 July 2009


Yey! What a good morning of cricket.
I really did think England would clutch defeat from the jaws of victory, look forward to the 3rd test.

Started the long task of changing all the tree textures from the IOW and the foliage pack.
I took those as place holders and slowly updating them.
Once again I have spend the odd hour here and there wandering around woodlands.

I've also been back on ebay tracking down more pics of the area, this time the rail bridge over the Gaunless at Tindal Cresent and a cracking one of the West Signal box at Bishop Auckland.
I'll scan them in and pop them up next week.

1 comment:

Geoff Potter said...

Hi Derek

I expect to get arrested one day for taking photos on stations. Wandering around woodlands with a camera is another matter!

If you get a moment, perhaps you could give us a bit of an insight into the process of re-texturing the trees and vegetation from photos you have taken.

Signal Boxes have a charm of their own. There is a derelict one at Eridge which is overgrown and boarded up but I have found a picture of it in use and it looks totally different. I am thinking of starting up the Signal Box Appreciation Society.

The Wear Valley is a route that will definitely be worth waiting for.