Saturday 23 January 2010

Sunday 17 January 2010

Crook Platform

A busy weekend really, The snows gone and so has my attic!
Saturday full of family, but I manage to sit down to write a tutorial on TrainLightMapwithDiffuse material for Max:

Also managed to have a couple of hand bags, reminded me of the poem about he pot and the kettle.

Still, all's well that ends well.

Sunday I managed to grab a few hours to finally get back to the main station at Bishop Auckland. Here you can see work in progress of the Crook platform.
I should have enough details to be able to model the path through the building to the slope that leads to the approach. I will have to work on my lighting rig to get the shadow map right but once done it will look like an impressive structure, and one you will be able to fly around inside somewhat.

Still a long way to go.


Tuesday 5 January 2010

little brick huts

Re-using the signal box texture, (again) I have created a few little huts to sit along side the track at various places.
Nothing special but they will be very useful.

