Sunday 11 January 2009

Bishop Auckland Station layout

Well I have done my research, I've gathered as many books and images I could over the past year or so and spent a small fortune.

Not sure who that person on ebay is who keeps out bidding me for photos. I can not believe there is someone else out there as sad as i am when it comes to the station.
Ok, so here is the basic station layout, again just some simple shapes and texture, but it's how i remember it. Only major bits missing are the footbridge across to the station rec, the clock tower and the footbridge between platforms 2 and 3.

I think enough is enough and I now need to bring up the station to the signal box standard.
I need to stop flitting about. Speaking of which here is an image of a crow that i got animating in RS, anyone who wants the rpk can contact me. (it will be available on UKTS)



Anonymous said...

>Not sure who that person on ebay is who keeps out bidding me for photos.

Maybe the bloke selling them? ;-)

Looking good Derek.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! Regarding photos I have just posted some photos I took in 1978 to the Flickr website

Also have you tried the model shop near Darlington station? They do loads of local photos from the Armstrong collection.
Cheers, Alan