Tuesday 6 September 2011

bridge TS2012


Anonymous said...

Those modern game engines looks so blury, whay that? All modern games I play today has this thing that objects and textures become blury from a distance. This was not a problem in RW before... just my opinion :) Artwork looks great anyway!

Anonymous said...

Hi Derek,

This is looking stunning, an amazing amount of detail in there. Do you have a rough target date for release?



Anonymous said...

looks great nice one Derek,


Anonymous said...

Very impressive shot!

I envy your talent Mr. Siddle :)

For the first commenter, it's called depth of field. It's meant to simulate haze as you look into the distance. One of the problems with computer generated graphics is that the "camera lens" is perfect and so is the space between it and the object(s) it's pointing at. Visual tricks such as this are used to add more realism. But I agree that overuse has the opposite effect. Seems like RS have got it about right though, judging from this shot.

We'll find out for ourselves soon enough :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Derek. Perfect screenshots!

Contact me with skype "dmitriskif"

or via email skif1986@tut.by please. I have an interesting and useful text article to read. That's about RW 3 development.
