Sunday 10 October 2010

Steaming ahead?

Just a subtle hint at what lies in store for the WVR... (thanks for the ref photos Sly)

Ok, so I have been away and very busy... all will be known soon.
(Next week will be very interesting indeed)

Anyway, after the free asset pack I put together and random DLC I now want to turn my attention to my own work. For the past few months I have been slogging away with work and my own project has suffered.

I am just in the process of making Wearhead station and surrounding area, wanted to have a look at what the moors would look like with the terrain textures, not a bad first stab but still more work needs doing.
The sky is just a test I was messing about with for one of the coders. Hopefully more on this soon.

It's good to be back.



Geoff Potter said...

Hi Derek

I am not too sure about the sky, not quite right.

The Great Marquess .. interesting ..

Anonymous said...

Ithink the sky looks phenominal personally!Wonderful stuff as always!
