Sunday 13 September 2009

Class 02 modelling done

6 hours 30 minutes.Modelling complete (made up/best guess on bits I did not know)


Unknown said...

Looks superb as always Derek.
The rendered out windows are something I have not yet come across, don't you just love the crisp lines and smooth shadows light tracer creates!

Anonymous said...

How much poly it has?

Unknown said...

Hi Again Derek,

Here is a link to a photograph I stumbled across & scanned onto my PC. Its an aerial shot of Bishop Auckland dated 1964 to add to your collection. Unfortunately you can only just see the station but hopefully the rest of the shot is useful for referance when placing scenery houses, streets, trees etc... Hope it helps I tried to get it as hi-res as possible.

Regards Chris

Derek Siddle said...

Chris that is magic darts!!!

thank you very much.



Derek Siddle said...

It has about 7000 polys.


Unknown said...

Mmm... shuntery :)