Thursday 12 July 2012

Haggerdly Eases Back In

Haggerleases Plan


Any idea whether the sidings would have been in situ during our 50s era?  Bob has gone from a 1939 map and we are not sure how long they lasted.
Any advice from folks would be appreciated.




eyore said...

I'm not able to confirm but the sidings still appear on the 1961 1" OS map.

Ruth Ivimey-Cook said...

My experiences with determining 1950s map info is that locating a 1950-something aerial photo is your best bet. I have used the National Monument Record's catalogue, who I understand now include the iconic Aerofilms collection.

So much changed between 1950 and 1966-9 (when many OS maps were reissued) that I regard it as the only way to tell for sure.
